香港自治運動成員曾焯文交《美港政策法》 予美國駐港領事館職員
香港自治運動成員曾焯文,在我們宣讀中英文版致美國政府的公開信後,交《美港政策法》 予美國駐港領事館職員,提醒美方履行對香港許下之承諾,保障港人權益,確保香港自治。
HK in pain, US no gain! HK lives, US wins!
香港自治運動 致 美國國務卿希拉莉克林頓女士 公開信,中英文版
呼籲美國政府履行 《美國 - 香港政策法》,保障港人權益, 確保香港自治
保障港人權益 確保香港繼續自治
香港政權易手十五年以來,人權及民主發展不斷倒退。今年五月發表的美國人權報告已經指出,本港警方濫權問題嚴重,而市民的新聞自由及參與政治的權利亦因政府限制立法會權力及媒體自我審查而削弱。更為嚴重的,是香港引以為傲的經濟自由及廉潔政府都因不斷惡化的官商勾結而笈笈可危 ; 香港的自治狀況實已到了存亡之秋,這都是香港人和美國政府所不願見的。
《美國—香港政策法》,是美國國會因六四慘案的發生,為保障美方在港利益及關注香港自由人權民主發展而於一九九二年通過的法案。美國國會每年發表香港經濟及政制發展的報告,審視並評價香港的情況。《政策法》強調香港擁有《國際公民與政治權利公約》及《經濟、社會、文化權利國際公約》所保障的民權,尤其是有關人權及民主發展方面,更是美國所一直堅持的。美國期望《中英聯合聲明》切實執行,深信人權自由乃香港繼續繁榮之基石,並承諾確保港人信心及香港經濟繁榮 。美國尊重香港為高度自治區﹔美國與香港之經貿文化等合約條款亦是以香港繼讀自治為大前提。
鑑於中國政府公然違反《中英聯合聲明》及《基本法》,多番干預本屬香港特別行政區自行管理的事務,而英國作為《中英聯合聲明》締約國又未有履行應有職責,香港自治運動要求美國政府正視《中英聯合聲明》及《基本法》失效所引起的嚴重問題,認真對待香港人權自由法治民主被侵害這一事實,採取必需的行動,以保障港人權益及美國在港利益。正如貴國國務卿希拉莉克林頓女士於2011年10月11日所發表文章中直言 : 廿一世紀是「美國的太平洋世紀 (America's Pacific Century)」 ,「美方在亞洲的參與是必要的 (U.S. commitment there is essential)」。吾人期望美方堅持對香港這一「東方之珠」的承擔,保障港人權益,確保香港自治。
HK in Pain, US no Gain!
Hong Kong lives, US wins!
30 June 2012
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Hong Kong Autonomy Movement Urges USA to Fulfill US-Hong Kong Policy Act,
to Protect Hong Kong People's Rights, and to Ensure Hong Kong Autonomy
Human rights and democracy in Hong Kong have been declining since the handover to China 15 years ago. The abuse of power by the Hong Kong Police Force, the loss of press freedom due to self-censorship are serious, and the citizens' right of participation in politics is at risk as the Government increasingly straitjackets the Legislative Council, according to the country report on Hong Kong Human Right Practices of 2011 published by the US State Department this May. Even the economic freedom and integrity of civil service, of which Hong Kong people are so proud, are increasingly threatened by collusion between government officials and business tycoons. When Hong Kong autonomy loses ground, we all suffer, the United States as well as Hong Kong.
The British Government has, regrettably, failed to perform its obligation as one of the signatories to the Sino-British Joint Declaration when China has repeatedly violated it. For this, Hong Kong Autonomy Movement sent delegates to the British Consulate-General and strongly condemned the British Government in March this year. Although the British side did reply, their letter as a whole tried to shift people's attention and turned a deaf ear to Hong Kong people's appeal. HKAM, therefore, requests the US Government to fulfill the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act and protect Hong Kong citizens' rights and interests.
The United States-Hong Kong Policy Act was passed by the US Congress in 1992 with a view to protecting American interests in Hong Kong and to keeping an eye on the development of Hong Kong’s freedom and human rights, as a reaction to the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Each year, the US State Department publishes a country report on the economy and constitutional development of Hong Kong, examining and evaluating Hong Kong's situation. The Policy Act emphasizes that Hong Kong possesses the rights as enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. In particular, human rights and development of democracy are areas which the US Government is adamant about. Believing that human rights and freedom are the foundation of Hong Kong's continued prosperity, the United States expects the Sino-British Joint Declaration to be fulfilled in real earnest and has promised to guarantee Hong Kong people’s confidence and prosperity of Hong Kong economy. The United States respects Hong Kong as a highly autonomous region; and the pre-requisite for economic and cultural agreements between the United States and Hong Kong is continuation of Hong Kong autonomy.
Peking has openly violated the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration, and the UK has failed its obligation as a signatory. HKAM therefore requests the US Government to consider the consequences seriously and take necessary actions to help uphold Hong Kong's human rights, freedom, rule of law, democracy and autonomy and to protect American interests in Hong Kong. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on 11 October 2011, the 21st Century is "America's Pacific Century" and "U.S. commitment there is essential". We expect and urge the United States to persist in her commitment to the Pearl of the Orient, to protect Hong Kong citizens' rights and interests, and to ensure Hong Kong autonomy.
HK in Pain, US no Gain!
HK lives, US wins!
30 June 2012