
聲明:《中英聯合聲明》正式宣告失效 譴責英國未履行締約國責任 Hong Kong Autonomy Movement Condemns the United Kingdom for Failure of Duty as a Signatory of the Sino-British Joint Declaration





Hong Kong Autonomy Movement Condemns the United Kingdom for Failure of Duty as a Signatory of the Sino-British Joint Declaration

In the past few weeks, it has been widely reported that the Chinese Liaison Office in Hong Kong and other Chinese Government officials have blatantly manipulated and interfered in the 2012 Hong Kong Chief Executive Election by pressurising the voters as well as the local media. 

The Sino-British Joint Declaration ("the Joint Declaration") expressly provides that "the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defence affairs which are the responsibilities of the Central People's Government". This is one of the basic policies of the Chinese Government regarding Hong Kong, and is also the essence of the Joint Declaration. The Chinese Government's interference in Hong Kong's autonomy demonstrates its failure and/or refusal to honour its promises under the Joint Declaration, and amounts to a fundamental breach of the Joint Declaration. By now, it is clear that "One Country, Two Systems" is but an empty promise, and the Joint Declaration can now be declared repudiated. 

It is most regrettable that the British Government has been looking the other way all along. The Six-monthly Report to Parliament on Hong Kong published by the British Government in February 2012 stated that the "One Country, Two Systems" principle has worked well and that the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Joint Declaration have been respected.  That is most irresponsible and self-deceiving on the part of the British Government. By condoning Beijing's violations of the Joint Declaration, the British Government has evinced its disregard for the interests of three million British Nationals in Hong Kong, and its unwillingness to take up any responsibility as a signatory of the Joint Declaration. 

Hong Kong Autonomy Movement condemns the British Government for its failure to discharge its duty as a signatory of the Joint Declaration, and urges the British Government to step in in accordance with international conventions and help resolve the crisis currently faced by Hong Kong.

25th March 2012

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